
Showing posts from April, 2021

Where the corruption began and the story of Tainted Halls

 So far the first three posts have included light, happier areas of Tainted Halls, but I suppose I had better go over the story I came up with for the structure and show where the corruption began. So today, I will show the Hell's Gate. The area it is built in is kind of small, so I am still working with this to improve the creepiness factors. Hell's Gate Once upon a time...(yes, I am going that route) there was an Alchemist, so renowned for his advances and discoveries, that his favor with the local Lord of the area, granted him a castle to do with as he liked. Being what he was, an Alchemist, he chose to turn the castle into both a workshop and a library, to document everything he had learned. He planted every sort of herb and shrub, every sort of tree. Set up all sorts of contraptions here and there, using the whole building as a way to learn more and more. The Lord of the area indulged his every whim. The Hell's Gate was just one of those whims. Given his close relation...

Flower Courtyards, Moon Gates and Tree Tunnels + minor changes

Since I've shown both the Grapevine Veranda above and the Waterfall Fountain+Heaven's Gate below. It seemed only right that I next go over the courtyards. There is a mirror of the design on either side, so going over one side will be enough. Ironically while getting this screenshot ready, I noticed a lightning bolt had taken out part of one of the trees... 😅 After rebuilding the tree, this is how one of the Flower Courtyards looks: Flower Courtyards The player can see the walkway from the Waterfall Fountain there in the back. I really enjoyed putting together the brickwork around the center fountain. The walk paths are a mix of the brickwork patio and gravel-esque texture dirt in cozy warm colors. The fountain is so basic there really isn't much to cover. Given water limitations in Minecraft, I did what I could to give the impression of a working fountain. The flower beds consist of birch trees with mossy trunks and bushes encompassing each different type of flowers: Close...

Waterfall Fountain and Heaven's Gate

The next bit of my structure that I would like to share, is what I refer to as the Waterfall Fountain and the Heaven's Gate. These are directly below the Grapevine Veranda from my first short blog. These areas are a tiny bit fluid as I don't really have the blocks available to do what I want to do completely, but I worked with what I had in the  Conquest Reforged Mod . I currently use the 1.12.2 version. The screenshots I will show use the Conquest of the Sun Shaders provided with the mod. I did happen to pick up another mod the other day called the  Corail Pillar Mod  that gave me a little more flexibility as well. I love it and look forward to incorporating it into my structure! I did attempt to use it in the fountain area, in the doorways going to either side. It doesn't look how I'd like, but it is still a step in a better direction. Anyway, starting off, we have a short walk up to the fountain. It again is an open air pillars area, with gardens to either side. We...

Grapevines For Shade

Hi everyone~!!! If you haven't already checked my profile, I go by Ellie. I like to build in Minecraft both with and without mods, as well as with various shaders. Pretty much whatever I can get my hands on, to play with. I didn't like how the site I used to post my work at was changing, but I still wanted to share my work as it is much more fun to share my creations, than keep them to myself. I do sometimes work on small, one room builds to see how close I can get that room to what I see in real life, with what I have in Minecraft, but mostly I worked on a gigantic monster of a structure that is called Tainted Halls. Tainted Halls is an ongoing project and may always be, as it has gained a life of its own. The structure is influenced by a combination of Victorian, Mediterranean, Steampunk, Fantasy and Dark Alchemy. That just...happened 😅 While originally, Tainted Halls was supposed to be the horrific castle from my nightmares, it has gradually evolved into something different...