The next bit of my structure that I would like to share, is what I refer to as the Waterfall Fountain and the Heaven's Gate. These are directly below the Grapevine Veranda from my first short blog. These areas are a tiny bit fluid as I don't really have the blocks available to do what I want to do completely, but I worked with what I had in the Conquest Reforged Mod. I currently use the 1.12.2 version. The screenshots I will show use the Conquest of the Sun Shaders provided with the mod.
I did happen to pick up another mod the other day called the Corail Pillar Mod that gave me a little more flexibility as well. I love it and look forward to incorporating it into my structure! I did attempt to use it in the fountain area, in the doorways going to either side. It doesn't look how I'd like, but it is still a step in a better direction.
Anyway, starting off, we have a short walk up to the fountain. It again is an open air pillars area, with gardens to either side. We've got moss growing on the pillars to make it look older and "lived" in. There are textured engraved blocks and "ruined stone brick" blocks mixed in to add to the age. Warm sandstone bricks underfoot help the area to look cozy. At the tops of each pillar arch is ornamental metal bars to break up the thickness of the brick and add to the breezy feel.
Looking towards the Waterfall Fountain |
We next have the fountain itself. It has a central focal point, which is just a Palantir from LotR. It is included in the Mod. I tried to make a shell-esque basin for the water to flow from and used the Palantir as the "pearl."
A close-up view of the fountain |
And a side view to give a better idea of the shape.
An overhead view of the fountain |
Half-slab stone stairs were used to give a more gradual incline that looked less busy, and mossy brick blocks were used, again to display a passing of time. The moss was kept to the immediate area around the fountain as the walk path would wear down the moss. I would have liked to do a gradual disappearance of it, but there is just one thickness of block available for this. The walls also have ruined stone brick, scattered throughout them, although it may not be immediately noticeable. The bottom of the pool has tiling with a color/block combo inspired by the Hearst Castle pools.
There are also vents in the sides of the brick walls with metal lattice to allow air flow.
Framing the Waterfall Fountain, we have the Heaven's Gate. (the corail pillars can be seen in the doorways to either side here)
The back of the fountain, framed by Heaven's Gate |
In contrast to the darker brick work, the Heaven's Gate is built with white marble blocks and stained glass. I wanted to provide a brighter point, with an almost clashing visual amongst the otherwise dark corridors and give a hint or promise of freedom that is denied by the barrier. The player can see the softly colored flowers swaying peacefully on the other side, but they cannot reach them.
Intimidating... |
The Heaven's Gate looms over the player with steep steps giving an imposing presence, while the glass roof over this entire area allows the light to filter in softly as the sun sets.
The moon through the gate |
And at night, it frames the moon above the trees, while the glass roof allows star viewing.
This is honestly one of my favorite places in my structure because of how everything comes together, and I hope you like it too. If you have a suggestion, let me know in the comments, I may include it in the future :)
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